NKG Coprocafé
ensures you a full range of green coffee and reliable services
Our Services
From the coffee tree to the professional roasters

We trade and import all types of green coffee and also all primary processed products such as vaporized, decaffeinated, mild-treated and blended coffees.

The contact with our exporters is permanent, and we try to optimize this flow of information for our partners and customers , with special focus on the quality of production and sustainability processes.

We are certified members of Fairtrade, UTZ, Rainforest and Organic Coffees, therefore being able to provide our customers with these Certified Coffees.

We provide our expertise in the logistics chain with our supply chain consultants, always looking for the best and more efficiency transport solutions for our customers.

Quality control is one of our priorities. With our facilities and our Q-Grader qualified staff, we are constantly welcoming our customers for cupping sessions, towards designing new blends and sample evaluations.

We provide our expertise in services as pricing, futures reporting and market research to detect new opportunities for our customers.